Saving optimal JPEGs on iOS

Conventional wisdom for creating a JPEG version of a UIImage is first to turn it into an NSData and immediately write it to disk like so:

NSData *jpegRepresentation = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.94);
[jpegRepresentation writeToFile:outputURL.path

Most of the time this is exactly right. However, if file size is important, ImageĀ IO is a great alternative. It is a powerful system framework to read and write images, and produces smaller files at the same compression level.

Why Image IO?

A project I am working on requires uploading photos en masse. Low upload bandwidth makes file size a limiting factor, so I sought out ways to reduce it.

I put together a test project to find the differences between the two methods. The results are pretty interesting:

The only discernible visual difference is the grain in the images, but even that is minor. Here’s a diff between two versions of the same original photo:

Image diff

Using Image IO

First, you’ll need to add two new framework dependencies:

@import ImageIO; // to do the actual work
@import MobileCoreServices; // for the type defines

When creating your JPEG file, the first step is to create a CGImageDestinationRef specifying where to write the result:

CGImageDestinationRef destinationRef =
CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)outputURL,
                                /* file type */ kUTTypeJPEG,
                                /* number of images */ 1,
                                /* reserved */ NULL);

Image IO is able to produce files of a few different types2 but my focus here is JPEGs. Next, we set up the properties of the output file, specifying a constant compression factor:

NSDictionary *properties = @{
  (__bridge NSString *)kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality: @(0.94)

                                (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)properties);

And, importantly, we specify what is to be written out:

                           /* image */ image.CGImage,
                           /* properties */ NULL);

And finally, we write it to disk and clean up the reference:


  1. The UIImage version has a color profile, while the Image IO version does not. However, running both files through Image Optim produces a 7% reduction on both, so I am choosing to ignore this difference. Afterall, you can’t remove the color profile anyway! ↩︎

  2. The following are possible types you can use, from the documentation:

    ConstantUTI type
    kUTTypeJPEG2000public.jpeg-2000 (OS X only)
    kUTTypeTIFFpublic.tiff (OS X only)